Image Study

I found this image i like the look of which i made a study of. what i like about the image is that it looks very much like a cartoon and i like the simplistic aspect of it which i think looks very effective. The original image is a logo for an american baseball team, I like the American baseball teams logos as they are brightly colored and feature very bold and simplistic images which I like. I made a study of this image in Photoshop where I used the grid to sketch out the image in rough and then i went over it neatly on a new layer where I then on different layers colored the image in. I used the eyedropper tool to get the same colours from the original image. Over all I am very happy with the study I made, I think it looks the same as the original. what I like most about it is the font which works very well with the theme of the image being a Lumberjack, I also like the bright colours used as it very vibrant and makes the image look more textured and three dimensional. 

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