Red Dead Redemption


The preperation needed to complete the mission is you have to be equipt with all the weapons and ammunition. At the beggining of the mission, your character has to meet Luisa where she will take you to the mission. In order for you to progress, you must meet Luisa at a certain time in the day, if you do not manage to meet her within the time, you must must wait for the following day to meet her to attempt the mission. When you are riding with Luisa to the mission, the player has the option skip the journey which will take the character staright to the destination. Once at the destination the player is given a linear structured mission which has to be followed to progress but the way the player can acheive it is completely non linear. The player must kill the mexican army and recover Luisa’s friend who the Mexicans captured. You have an arsenal of weapons to choose from and various shelters and hideouts in which to progress in the level. The player knows they are progressing after they have killed an antagonist they will get given money and xperience points. The player must retrieve Luisa’s friend who was captured and take him to a safe place. On the map, the player is given a target location and a highlighted route to follow. Once the player has followed the highlighted route to its final destination, a save icon appears in the the top left hand corner of the screen and you are rewarded by XP which shows on the screen. After the mission is completed, The player is then free to do whatever they want in the open world either free roaming or travelling to another mission which is located with the characters initials.

Red Dead Redemption is structured in a non linear open world. You must complete certain missions to progress but most missions can be completed at the players will. Red Dead Redemption has one main story which follows John Marston’s life as well as his family and friends. Some missions in the game require John Marston to kill a charcater, It is up to the player to decide which character to kill which will alter the storys narrative. The end mission is a pivotol moment in the game as the player can decide the fate of what happens to John Marston. Once the player has completed the story campaign, They can now free roam the open world exploring new towns and people. The player can also help people in distrees for money or fame.

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