Be Creative Competition Brief

Be ©reative is a unique and exciting production competition for UK students aged 11-19, offering recognition for creative talent plus great prizes for individual winners and their schools.

Working to a real-world creative brief, students research, design and produce an original marketing campaign to encourage young people to choose official film, TV and video and support the UK industry.

Response to the Brief:

The key stages I will follow for this breif is:

  1. Plan and develop ideas
  2. Produce
  3. Presentation and feedback 
  4. Submit to final Boards 
  5. evaluate 

To complete these stages, I need to:

  1. Read the breif so I undertand the task in hand
  2. Research the client 
  3. Laern about copyright
  4. Create questionnaires for my target audience 
  5. present data from questionnaire
  6. Generate ideas for my campaign through Mind maps and spider diagrams
  7. Create rough designs 
  8. Peer evaluation 
  9. Refine Designs

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