Wallpaper Adobe Illustrator

My task was in Adobe illustrator to design various objects that represent me. Using the skills and techniques I was taught, I used the pen tool to create the shapes as well as the object tool. Once I had created the objects, I made them into individual symbols Which enabled me to use them in my symbol pallette.

After I had created the objects, I played around with the fonts to make various words that I say or represent me. Whilst making the text, I was able to manipulate it by making it bolder, wavy etc. I also made each word into symbols. 

I then made 1 tile which would then trasform into a wallpaper, I Started by opening a new project in Illustrator which was 400×400 pixels where I then created a collage of all the words and objects I had made. I made some of the words and object overlap the tile so when I was to reproduce it, It would then show up symetricallly on the next tile. I did this by selecting the object and then went Object > Transform > Move where I then moves the object 400 pixels horizontally or vertically depending on where I wanted it to be placed I then clicked copy where it would copy the object to where I placed it. 


After the tile was made, I had to export it and open it in Photoshop, I did this by Making it a define web pattern in photoshop, I then opened a new canvas and selected the paint bucked tool and chose my design, I then simply filled in the canvas and then it automatically made the canvas into my wallpaper. 

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