Choice Of Games

I played the game The fleet where you are playing a character called Lieutenant Demian where your objective is to take back your home land from a violent invasion by any means necessary even if it means sacrificing civilian lives. I like the story in the game and I like how you can change the path to for different experiences and consequences. The story made me feel like I was in control of everything and if were to choose the wrong path, the consequences would have a bigger effect on me and the story. In the game, I could choose who I wanted to be my enemies, I could choose from four species each one having their unique properties. I chose the Varr’s to be my villains as they sounded the most horrible and they were described to have oozing tentacles. I also had an ally who was an admiral Kalla, I decided weather or not I should take his orders or do what is best mine and the civilians lives. Throughout the game as you progress and build your fleet, I was able to view my fleets progress which was displayed on a health bar. If you progress successfully, you are taken to a new chapter with new problems you must face. The game finishes on a cliffhanger where the player can use their imagination to make their own ending. 


I liked this game if it were a story but as a game, I thought the player had to make too many choices and after a while, I found it difficult to keep up with the story as there was so much going on. I also found the game to be very repetitive where I could only select options that have been used previously in the story. After playing it for a while, I was expecting a an ending either good or bad but its finished on a cliff hangar and the only option after that was to restart the game and choose different outcomes. I felt as if I had played for a long time only not to find out what happens and I had to use my imagination to Finnish the story. I played the game three times each time using different enemies and selecting different options both paths ending in a cliffhanger. I then restarted again once I found out about the cliffhanger which ended the game. Overall, I like the story but I think it is repetitive in some places and has no structured story line i.e. a middle and an ending. 

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