III Act Structure

III Act Structure – Back To The Future II

Act I – Introduces charcters, situation and introduction of conflict. The film starts with Doc driving Marty and Jenifer into the future where Doc explains their situation and the complication. 

Act II – Leads into first conflict and start of rising action when Marty gets mistaken for his son and gets chased Griff and his friends on hover boards where it ends with Griff and his friends getting arrested as they smashed into the local courthouse which saves Marty’s children. Marty buys a Sports alminac and recieves futuristic clothes and gets told about his kids which is good for Marty. The major crisis is Biff from 2015 found the sports almanic that Marty had to dispose of where he steals the Deloran and passes the book to his past self in 1955. Due to the success of freeing Marty’s Children, Doc, Marty and Jenifer travel back to 1985 where they discover that Biff had become very wealthy from all the winnings from the sports alminac and made Hill Valley Corrupt and crime ridden.

Act II 

Back To The Future Trilogy 

Act I – In the first film 

Game Rules ‘IT’

  • The game must have at least 3 players
  • The player then must designate a play feild which has a ‘Safe home’
  • The player chooses who to be IT
  • The player who are not IT then have to run away
  • The person who is IT has to then chase the players 
  • If the player who its IT touches another player, they must say IT making the player free and unable to get IT whist the new player wh is IT is chasing. 
  • the player who is It cannot retag a player who has tagged you.
  • There is a designated space for the players where they cannot get tagged.

The objects needed to play IT:

  • People
  • A designated place for home
  • A play feild 
  • possibly a tun counter

Game Rules ‘IT’

  • The game must have at least 3 players
  • The player then must designate a play feild which has a ‘Safe home’
  • The player chooses who to be IT
  • The player who are not IT then have to run away
  • The person who is IT has to then chase the players 
  • If the player who its IT touches another player, they must say IT making the player free and unable to get IT whist the new player wh is IT is chasing. 
  • the player who is It cannot retag a player who has tagged you.
  • There is a designated space for the players where they cannot get tagged.

The objects needed to play IT:

  • People
  • A designated place for home
  • A play feild 
  • possibly a tun counter


The hero: seeks something, to fulfill a ‘lack’ of some kind

The villain: opposed the hero, tries to make the hero fail

The donor: aids the hero by providing an object with magical properties

The dispatcher: sends the hero on a quest of some kind

The false hero: pretends to be the hero

The helper: assists the hero in some way

The princess: doubles up as a reward for the hero and the object of the

Her father: will reward the hero (often by giving the hero his daughter)

The Hero – The hero’s are the four friends in the game. The player has the choice to select the four charcters in the game to help complete it. 
The Villain – The main villain is the Hotel itself as it sent the four charcters into another dimension. There will also be 1930s style gangsters who will secure various parts of the hotel forcing the charcters to take another more dangerous route through the hotel. 

The Donor – The donor is the hotel concierge who welcomes them into the hotel and gives them advise to what to do the game.
The Dispatcher – The dispatcher in the game are the four friends who make there own quest to get back to their home dimesnsion.

The False Hero – There is no false hero in the game.
The Princess – The reward for completing the game is the friends finding a way back to their own dimension. 

Her Father – This also links into the reward of completing the game and the charcters getting back to their own time. 

Vladimir Propp applying theory to existing game – Super Mario Bros.

Propp was a Bulgarian theorist. In his 1922 work The Morphology of the Folk Tale he analysed something like 400 Russian folk tales. He found that across all of these tales, despite apparent differences, characters and their actions can be categorized into clearly defined roles and functions (8 character roles and 31 narrative functions) which are summarized here:

The hero: seeks something, to fulfill a ‘lack’ of some kind

The villain: opposed the hero, tries to make the hero fail

The donor: aids the hero by providing an object with magical properties

The dispatcher: sends the hero on a quest of some kind

The false hero: pretends to be the hero

The helper: assists the hero in some way

The princess: doubles up as a reward for the hero and the object of the

Her father: will reward the hero (often by giving the hero his daughter)

The Hero: Mario 

The Villain – Bowser

The Donor: Mushroom 

The Dispatcher: King Toadstool 

The False Hero: ? 

The Helper: Luigi 

The Princess: Princess Toadstool 

Her Father: King Toadstool 

Game Ideas

Hollywood Tower Hotel is based on a ride at a theme park. The game will will feature a group of friends which the player has the choice to play where they decide to go on the ride, The ride is based on a hotel in Hollywood in the 1930s during a heavy storm where passengers take the lift in the hotel when a bolt of lightning hits the hotel causing them to go into another dimensional world.

When the couple get on the ride, little do they know the ride has turned into the story where they are then dropped into a rundown hotel in hollywood in the 1930s. Its is up to the player to find a way back to their world by exploring the other dimension and finding clues to the way out. The player must make choices which could lead to worse consequences or a way out to complete the game.  

I have researched various influeces to gather any ideas, I have looked at various horror film that feature in a hotel such as The Shining and 1408.

  • Group of friends start at borttotom of htoel
  • have to find various oeices to make up antenna to get himem 
  • have to explore differnet rooms fir patrts