Adventure cards structure

In class, my partner and I recieved a pack of cards with one narrative about a couple driving home from christmas eve dinner where they encounter problems with a lorry on the road. To begin with, we read the cards and structured them to the narrative. Once we had done that, we were given a seperate set of cards whci featured various options in which my partner and I could use to get a better or worse outcome of the story. Next to some of the cards we could use a diamond shape card having yes or no option to choose to choose from, if we selceted a new option, there will be a new path to narratve which would be our main narrative. 

The object in this adventure game is very important as they are the foundations of the narrative ie. the narrative card, the choice card and the ending card. The narrative card has the main story of the game. The choice card or the Decison gate has a yes or no option meaning there must be another narrative to follow. Finally the end card is the final card which says the fate of the game, there cant be any cards to follow. 

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