The hero: seeks something, to fulfill a ‘lack’ of some kind

The villain: opposed the hero, tries to make the hero fail

The donor: aids the hero by providing an object with magical properties

The dispatcher: sends the hero on a quest of some kind

The false hero: pretends to be the hero

The helper: assists the hero in some way

The princess: doubles up as a reward for the hero and the object of the

Her father: will reward the hero (often by giving the hero his daughter)

The Hero – The hero’s are the four friends in the game. The player has the choice to select the four charcters in the game to help complete it. 
The Villain – The main villain is the Hotel itself as it sent the four charcters into another dimension. There will also be 1930s style gangsters who will secure various parts of the hotel forcing the charcters to take another more dangerous route through the hotel. 

The Donor – The donor is the hotel concierge who welcomes them into the hotel and gives them advise to what to do the game.
The Dispatcher – The dispatcher in the game are the four friends who make there own quest to get back to their home dimesnsion.

The False Hero – There is no false hero in the game.
The Princess – The reward for completing the game is the friends finding a way back to their own dimension. 

Her Father – This also links into the reward of completing the game and the charcters getting back to their own time. 

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