Vladimir Propp applying theory to existing game – Super Mario Bros.

Propp was a Bulgarian theorist. In his 1922 work The Morphology of the Folk Tale he analysed something like 400 Russian folk tales. He found that across all of these tales, despite apparent differences, characters and their actions can be categorized into clearly defined roles and functions (8 character roles and 31 narrative functions) which are summarized here:

The hero: seeks something, to fulfill a ‘lack’ of some kind

The villain: opposed the hero, tries to make the hero fail

The donor: aids the hero by providing an object with magical properties

The dispatcher: sends the hero on a quest of some kind

The false hero: pretends to be the hero

The helper: assists the hero in some way

The princess: doubles up as a reward for the hero and the object of the

Her father: will reward the hero (often by giving the hero his daughter)

The Hero: Mario 

The Villain – Bowser

The Donor: Mushroom 

The Dispatcher: King Toadstool 

The False Hero: ? 

The Helper: Luigi 

The Princess: Princess Toadstool 

Her Father: King Toadstool 

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