Hollywood Tower Hotel feedback

I set up my game on my computer and printed out feedback sheets for the class below to test. The feedback I received was very positive where everyone who played the game said they found it enjoyable and exciting. My first question, What did you find most enjoyable about the game ? The players said that they found the artwork and the animations to be really effective and useful for visualizing what the hotel would look like, It also helps break up the text. What the players said to be enjoyable was the different options they could take to settings and a narrative and also the excitement of the narrative and what happens next.

The second question, Did the game have a clear narrative had mixed responses. Most of the players thought the narrative was clear and easy to understand:

‘Yes the narrative was clear and I understood what to do’

‘The narrative was very clear, good adventure text game’

Some people said that they found the narrative to be unclear and difficult to understand.

The third question, Do you like the idea of the game ? all had very positive responses. They said that it was well thought up and very creative. They also said that the narrative gave the game a creepy feeling which is what I wanted to achieve.

The fourth Question, What aspect of the game would you change ? I received mixed responses. Most of the answers said that the game was too long winded with too  much text. The players said that the game should be shorter by having a lot less text.

The final question, Would you play the completed game ? I received mainly positive feedback with the players thinking the narrative was interesting and enjoyable. Some people thought that the game would be too long and they would lose interest.

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