Marketing Plan Feedback Evaluation

<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”; title=”Evaluation” target=”_blank”>Evaluation</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”; target=”_blank”>Jack Craig</a></strong> </div>

Presentation Feedback Key 4 Points

  1. Develop the characters on blog i.e create a Twitter account for each character where they can teet messages to the audience.
  2. Think about an older demographic target audience and how my game would appeal to them e.g Poirot Fans, ITV 3 fans, Agatha Christie forums
  3. QR code on my promotional do not disturb handout
  4. Create a blog in which I can communicate with my audience and how to make a Twine game.

In Direct advertising

Another idea I think would be successful would be to promote my game on a blog that is related to the genre of my game. I have chosen a supernatural & conspiracy Blog in which people on the blog discuss their supernatural confrontations and talk about all things supernatural i.e Area 51. I think this could promote my game very well if a blogger were to talk about and encouraging people to give it a try.



This is my gaming calendar for my yearly schedule for HTH. I have decided to release my game in the first few months of summer. The reasons why are:

  • It would be perfect for my target audience as they finish college and schools for summer holiday giving them a chance to play it in relaxation.
  • They have no rush i.e they have all summer to play it.
  • The summer is a time when people like to try out new things which include games which gives me an advantage.

Teacher Feedback – Marketing keynote

I Had a one to one talk with my teacher where I showed him blog and what I have done for the marketing campaign of my game. Overall, he was very happy with my ideas as he thought it was interesting and different. What he suggested for in direct advertising was to defiantly create a blog for instructional purposes on creating a twine game which would create more awareness over me and promoting my game.

He then create a map for my marketing campaign and how I should structure everything.

In Direct marketing

For my Indirect Marketing, I have come up with an idea to create a blog in which I demonstrate how to create a Twine game, The blog will consist of step by step processes to a chat room where I can communicate with other people. On this blog will also feature my Twine game which the people can click and play. I think this is a good idea for promoting my game because people may refer to this blog often and it could grow making much more awareness over myself and my Twine game.