
UNIT 01 A06

Explain legal and ethical constraints and the role of regulatory bodies.

Candidates give an explanation with examples of legal and ethical constraints and describe a range of functions of the regulatory bodies and describe how they affect the media products.

Film Magazines – Libel

Exploration of libel laws in the UK.
Why reviews are permissible for consumer magazines.
Problems with libel and who is ultimately responsible.


What is the role of the Press Complaints Commission?

What do you understand by the terms ‘self-regulatory’?

How is the press different in terms of regulation to TV and broadcast?

Why is the PCC seen as ineffective?


UNIT01 – A04

A0 4 Discuss the effect of representation in the media products on target audiences

Judith Butler’s Performativity

Performativity as “…that reiterative power of discourse to produce the phenomena that it regulates and constrains” (Butler 1993).

Identity is a performance (that includes the daily behaviour of individuals) which is based on social norms or habits.

We can obviously see this in terms of gender of the cover stars of Total Film as they presents dominant representations of gender.




Total Film: Representations of men:

Men only covers are the most common type of total type of total film cover, The colours feature dark blues, washed out colours. The covers are mainly serious, classic, imposing, iconic. The props used in the cover are guns, phallic symbol which represents power, danger, aggression, control.

The clothes used are smart, business like, conservative, quality.

The composition features mid shots from knees upwards and mainly focuses on face.

The facial expressions consist of direct eye contact and serious expressions which controls dominance and confidence. The body language shows upright, confident and straight on.

Representations of masculinity:

  • Successful
  • Dominant
  • Powerful
  • Material Goods
  • In control of emotions / situations
  • Strong
  • Confident
  • Heroic
  • Able
  • Dangerous
  • Iconic

These representations idealized views towards the opposite sex.

Representations of Men and Women:

Colours – Lighter tones (mainly reds for women)

Composition – Men either central, a head or dominant

Body position – Woman is either shielded or led

The clothes stereotypically for women is that they wear dresses or much lighter colours to men.

The men wearing a suit and darker colors

The facial expressions show women in peril and the man to be determined and purposeful.

Representation of masculinity:

  • Men – Strong
  • Women – Weak
  • Men – in control, women needs to be saved
  • Men – leaders
  • Women – Followers

Representations of women:

Megan Fox:

  • Composition – full body showing legs
  • Clothes – revealing, sexually alluring, sexualized ideas of teenage girl
  • Colours – bright and friendly
  • Body language – powerful in control of sexuality

Representation of femimity:

  • Sexually Alluring
  • Subservient
  • Objectified
  • Classically beautiful
  • Dressed for mens pleasure rather practicality
  • Uses sex as power

E.g. Angelina Jolie – SALT

  • Conservatively dressed
  • Dark tones
  • Gun power control
  • Eye contact
  • Emotionless
  • Fiery tones
  • Non sexually explicit

All these qualities are masculine.

Butler believes that identity is not a fixed state of being but a free-flowing,constantly changing performance. It is about what you do rather than what you are.
Eg. Different ‘performances ‘of gender.

This means the audiences can use their consumption of media to create identity and affect their own representation. This can be seen in the different market segmentations of the Total Film and Little White Lies audiences.

Confirms gender stereotypes:

Men belive they have to be successful and powerful and in control to be a “real man”

Women believe they have to use sexuality or adopt masculine traits to be successful.

Ideal body is protected – which could effect own body image, this could lead to low self self esteem or aspiration for improvement.

Violence is represented as solution – consumes believe direct action is the best way to solve a situation.

Consumers could reject conventional gender qualities and subvert them. Confirms ideas of heroes and villains – male often heroes. There is only one female hero (SALT) the other lead is a villain (Jennifer’s Body ) the women’s sexuality is there to me feared.

Construction of the reader
While magazines are created to satisfy and existing audience and so will reflect their wants, magazines also attempt construct an ideal reader (think Nuts lad, Cosmo young woman, GQ man). With this in mind we have identified how both Total Film and Little White Lies construct an ideal readership through content and branding.

UNIT 01 – A01

Key trends

Industry magazines have developed either to be exclusively about the industry and so are B2B and not available on newstands, OR have evolved into high brow critical evaluations of film.
Consumer magazines have grown from being aimed primarily at a female audience to being more fan-boy male orientated. Looking at Empire and Total Film these are both consumer magazines with a focus on Blockbuster, multi-plex titles rather than arthouse indy.
The written word is still the most popular medium to express critical views, however, the popularity of the Kermode and Mayo podcast shows that verbal responses on radio (or podcast) are being to grow in popularity.
The niche magazines that focus on one sub-genre tend to be focused on horror and Sci-fi – both genres that are flexible enough to allow for new and interesting content, but also are aimed at a hardcore fanbase

Presentation Feedback Key 4 Points

  1. Develop the characters on blog i.e create a Twitter account for each character where they can teet messages to the audience.
  2. Think about an older demographic target audience and how my game would appeal to them e.g Poirot Fans, ITV 3 fans, Agatha Christie forums
  3. QR code on my promotional do not disturb handout
  4. Create a blog in which I can communicate with my audience and how to make a Twine game.