In Direct advertising

Another idea I think would be successful would be to promote my game on a blog that is related to the genre of my game. I have chosen a supernatural & conspiracy Blog in which people on the blog discuss their supernatural confrontations and talk about all things supernatural i.e Area 51. I think this could promote my game very well if a blogger were to talk about and encouraging people to give it a try.



This is my gaming calendar for my yearly schedule for HTH. I have decided to release my game in the first few months of summer. The reasons why are:

  • It would be perfect for my target audience as they finish college and schools for summer holiday giving them a chance to play it in relaxation.
  • They have no rush i.e they have all summer to play it.
  • The summer is a time when people like to try out new things which include games which gives me an advantage.

In Direct marketing

For my Indirect Marketing, I have come up with an idea to create a blog in which I demonstrate how to create a Twine game, The blog will consist of step by step processes to a chat room where I can communicate with other people. On this blog will also feature my Twine game which the people can click and play. I think this is a good idea for promoting my game because people may refer to this blog often and it could grow making much more awareness over myself and my Twine game.


I conducted primary research to collect reliable information about my target audience and the reputation of Twine. This would help me create a marketing scheme which suits and would work on the audience. I also set out to gather information about how many people knew and were aware of twine games. This would help me figure out whether we had a large twine audience to market to or if that was only small and we should branch out more.

Firstly I created a flow diagram, this i thought was a creative way to ask people questions about twine and multi-adventure games. The flow diagram started of simple and then went off depending on the route that people took, ultimately it ended on what type of game they played and examples. I wanted to know this because the type of games that people play can reflect on what type of audience they are in. All together I asked 50 people to fill in my flow diagram and gained a lot of useful knowledge about the recognition of Twine among young people. The places that i went to collect my information was at lunch time i went around my Sixth Form College and asked a variation of people in many different areas of the college. This would hopefully give me and good range of results.

Advantages:1. I was able to control how many people took the questionnaire, this allowed my data to be secure. 2. As i was present when people were filling out the flow diagram this prevented them from making it a joke. This meant i was able to trust the exactitude of my results completely. 3. As i could choose who to ask, i made sure that it was within our desired target audience of young people. This would help us develop a better understand on their knowledge of Twine and whether they are a suitable target audience to have.

Disadvantages:1. The flow diagram was awfully confusing when creating and when asking questions to the public. This meant that i could only understand it as i had made it, so my partner was unable to do primary research with me. This may have limited the amount of people we were able to ask. 2. When asking people I could never concur if they were being truthful and this could make my results unreliable. 3. I was only able to ask people who were in a  range of where i live. Else where in England or even globally they may have a larger market.

All of the people who have not heard of Twine or any Twine games, when asked all of people have either ʻCall Of Dutyʼ, ʻFifaʼ or ʻHaloʼ. This concludes to me that most youth who play the conventional most popular video games have not heard of Twine. Also from this fieldwork i leant the 4% that have heard of twine, do not play it they have only heard of it.

This fieldwork has been conclusive in me finding that young people do not play twine games because they have not heard of them. My research led me on a bigger question, would young people play it if they knew what it was?


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The ISFE was established in 1998 to represent the represent the interests of the sector towards the EU. ISFE was initially founded by the national interactive software trade associations in the UK, France, germany and the Netherlands. ISFE expanded in 2002 to include any company representing the industry.

ISFE was also the founder of PEGI (the age rating system of games published in Europe)

Here is their website:

Looking at the British gamer statistics taken from their website:


This specific statistic shows that main video game players are male aged between 16-34. Also, when looking at the online games the male category of 16-34 appears again. This means that my marketing campaign should be aimed at this gender and age group to have most success in promoting my game.


When looking at the types of game played, online games come second. These are mostly games on social websites. If I were to aim my marketing campaign on websites such as Facebook and Twitter, make posters and competitions I would be very likely to get the intended audience to play my game and create a buzz.


The devices most used to play games on are laptops and PC’s in second place. This is a very good sign for my game as it’s based in the internet browser and playable on any laptop or PC with an internet browser installed.



After completing Richard Bartle’s gamer demographic What Gamer Am I ? I then thought about what gamer type would play Hollywood Tower Hotel. I think the gamer type most attracted to my game is and Explorer, The reason for this is because my game involves the player having to search and explore the hotel to find a way out. I think there is also smaller elements of Socialisers as the gamer can interact with character is the game.

I think the best marketing campaign suited for the explorers would be to have advertisements out in public such as billboards, bus stops etc, the reasons for this is because explorers would be seeing these adverts if they were out commuting places. Another Marketing campaign could be forn online explorers where adverts could be set up on various networking sites as they could search and explore various things on the internet.