In Direct advertising

Another idea I think would be successful would be to promote my game on a blog that is related to the genre of my game. I have chosen a supernatural & conspiracy Blog in which people on the blog discuss their supernatural confrontations and talk about all things supernatural i.e Area 51. I think this could promote my game very well if a blogger were to talk about and encouraging people to give it a try.

In Direct marketing

For my Indirect Marketing, I have come up with an idea to create a blog in which I demonstrate how to create a Twine game, The blog will consist of step by step processes to a chat room where I can communicate with other people. On this blog will also feature my Twine game which the people can click and play. I think this is a good idea for promoting my game because people may refer to this blog often and it could grow making much more awareness over myself and my Twine game.

In Direct Advertising

For my In Direct advertising, I have decided to research into indie gaming blogs and websites in which these sites could promote my game and give a short review of it.

For example, This site would be ideal for promoting my game as they have lots of space for advertisement and I can tell from the adverts that this website is not a hugely big budget website. The website also offers lots of properties which would be really effective for promoting my game such as a top posts and latest features articles in which the majority of the website users would typically read, as well as an interviews section where I could be interviewed by the writers of the website which lets me connect with the audience and tell them exactly what they want to hear and finally forums where groups of people van share information and talk about the game.


A website I feel would be to high budget for my game would be Eurogamer as it is a much more popular gaming website promoting high budget blockbuster games such as Call Of Duty and Rockstar games, the advertisements being promoted now is the new Assassins Creed Game Black Flag. This website would be completely out of my budget to advertise my game.


Direct Advertising


I decided to create a blog for my twine game, The bloggging site I chose was Tumble as I felt it had a huge audience and has a variety of different people who use it which I feel may benefit me as they could be into indie, adventure based games. My plans for this blogging site is to make posts on the characters profiles as if they were real in which the audience can get a sense of personal intereaction with the characters in the game. I will also publish news and updates about the hotel as if it was real, The idea of this blog is to make the audience feel as though it is real and they can see the characters and their backstory and explore the hotel and read updates about it. I will also post the merchandise that will be available.


Promotional ideas – HTH handouts


Another promotional idea I could use is to produce free handouts if I were at an indie game convention or send them through the post to gamers. The handout is a novelty gift hotel do not disturb sign, on it has the game logo an the link to play the game. I think this campaign would be effective as it would create awareness whilst also giving the clients a idea of what the game is about.

The way I could distribute this is by targeting hotels an place them in hotel lobbies hoping for guests to pick it up. I feel this promotional idea does not target my audience but the idea i think is interesting and I think making it mainstream may attract an audience as they could find it interesting and follow up on it.

Promotion – Board game

I have come up with an idea to create a board game of HTH, The game with be a three dimensional board game where the player constructs the various stages in the game, The aim of the game is to reach the top of the hotel starting at the bottom and making your way to the roof. Along the way, the players with come into contact with various things which could help you progress or set you back. The game will have little figures of the four main friends the player can choose from, the game will be played with a dice as each role will help you progress.

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This board game will be distributed to online bloggers as an introductory offer exclusive in return, they could promote my game on their blog. The board game will become accessible to anyone after the game has been  released as it would genreate more sales as people know of the game rather than before the game is released when the one knows what it is about.

Merchandise feedback


These are some more promotional products I have made, After receiving feedback from the clothing, cups and mugs, I felt as though they do not create awareness about my game and what it is about. I have come up with an idea to create products that feature in the game. I have come up with items that relate with the game and its narrative such as a hotel key, a desk bell and a pen, These products will create more awareness about my game telling the clients what will feature in the game.

Creating My promotion

I have created an official Twitter page for my twine game, on here, followers can see updates on the game and see artwork and discuss the game using the hashtag #HTH. I think this is a very effective way of promoting my game as lots of people in my target audiences age range would use social networking sites and I feel having this account as the main source for images and latest updates will be very effective for promoting Hollywood Tower Hotel.


Online Adverts HTH


These are my two online marketing ads for my game. I think these forms of marketing would be very successful for my twine game and let huge communities of different audiences see the game.

Realistically this marketing advertisement wont work as the cost of promoting my game on these huge social networking and video sites would be too expensive and seeing as I have no form of money to pay for these types of advertisement, it would be far out of my reach.

Therefore, I have decided on making small marketing campaigns on the internet where I will set up a twitter page for my game and a blog, on these pages I will add images of the artwork and merchandise the audience can buy.

Promotion Drafts


These are some promotional draft ideas I have come up with, I have decided to make t shirts which will feature the games logo and artwork. I feel this would be a great promotional campaign for people who know what the game is, I feel for other people who haven’t heard fot he game may look at the t shirts and have no idea one what the t shirts are advertising. The feasibility of these promotional ideas could work as I could set up a competition and winners would receive these products.