Re Designing

After my feedback from Pete, I have decided to alter and change some aspects of my posters. I have decided I am going to remove the Harry potter from the poster as it is not my own work as I used Illustrator to copy an image I found from the internet. I have decided to make a seires of posters based on the sillhouette poster of james bond with the text making up the body. 

I think I will make all three posters based around this design, for each poster I will use a different famous british film charcter.

Feedback from my Target Audience

After designing my 4 posters, I invited my peers to look at them at give me positive feedback and constructed critisim about them. 

Poster 1:


My peers liked the idea of this poster very much, they like the choice in charcters and how they are presented as silhouettes. They also commented on the Union Jack as the background which they said is a good idea and works well with the characters. They said the slogan ‘Best Of British’ is short and to the point as well as ‘Your support is essential’ 

The constructive critisism I recieved was the header ‘Without you, we dont exist’ which was thought to sound too desperate, They said if it were to be more light hearted it would work very well. One suggestion I had was to focus on one character in particular and create a header around that certain character. What also needs to be changed is the positioning of the text as at the momnet it looks very random. 

After recieving all the feedback, I was happy with the comments made. What I have decided to have only one charcter featured in the poster, That character is James Bond as I am making another poster based on Harry Potter. I have also made adjustments to the text to make it look overall a lot neater. 

Poster 2:


many people thought the idea of this poster was a lot better that how it is portrayed. Some people found it confusing until I told them where I got the inspiration from. People also thought that the slogan for the poster ‘DOPE’ didnt sound very professional. 

Its because of this I have decided not to choose this poster as a final design. 

Poster 3:


I recieved lots of positive feedback on this poster, people thought Harry Potter using the Uncle Sam idea works very well. They also thought the slogans were very interesting and funny how it relates to Harry Potter. I didnt receive any constructive crtisism for this poster only that the drawing of Harry didnt look identicle which I will be creating digitally for the final poster.

Poster 4:


A lot of people thought this idea was very unique and visually intersting. They like the simplicity of the single figure with the text constructed to make up the body. They thought the text was simple but clear but some people found it quite difficult to read. 

After reciveing the feedback, I am happy with the comments and to follow on from it I have decided to use this idea for a final poster. I am going to change where I put the text mainly focusing on his body not inclduing the head. I am also going to space out the words to make them more clear and easy to read. 

Drafts and Initial work

I have designed 4 ideas for my posters, each idea I sketched on paper:

Poster 1:


For this poster, I wanted to feature film charcacters that are most recognisable for being British. The charcters shown are going to be silhouette’s as I want them to be very bold and as they are so well known, they dont need all the detail and colour. The two characters I have chosen are Harry Potter and James Bond. Behind the characters is a big Union Jack background. I chose this so that the poster would have some bright colour and it contrasts well with the charcaters showing tey have a British backgorund. or the solgan, I wanted to how the audience the best of Britains chracters so I chose ‘Best of British’ I then the header saying ‘without you, we dont exist. Your support is essential’ This tells the audience how important they are in supporting the industry. 

Poster 2:


In this poster, I wanted to have the same idea from the Obama presidential campaign in 2008 created by Shepard Fairey. For my idea, I chose Neil from the inbetweeners, I chose this charcter beacuse he is well know and easily recognised for the age of the target audience. Instead of ‘HOPE’ for the header of Obams’s poster, I chose DOPE which describes the charcater and works well with the original as they rhyme. 

Poster 3:


For this poster, I took the idea from the famous Uncle Sam ‘we want you’ poster in world war 2. In my version, It features Harry Potter pointing his wand at the audeince having the same posture as Uncle Sam. For my slogan, I kept the ‘we want you’ header but added ‘to support the British film & TV industry’ At the bottom of the poster, I added a sentance saying ‘Without you, the magic wont happen’. I thought this was a good approach to supporting the indsutry as it doesnt sound bad or desperate and it works well the Harry Potter charcter. 

Poster 4:


For my last poster idea, I wanted it to be very basic only featuring what is essential, I wanted to have a plain typography poster but after designing it, it looked to plain and boring. I overcome that by taking a popular British film character and making the body from the text. the charcter I chose was James Bond as he is easily recognisable by just the outilne of his posture and gun.